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O'Neill MC, Nagano A & Umberger BR. (2024). A three-dimensional musculoskeletal model of the pelvis and lower limb of Australopithecus afarensis. American Journal of Biological Anthropology 183, e24845. PMID: 37671481

Denton AN & Umberger BR. (2023). Computational performance of musculoskeletal simulation in OpenSim Moco using parallel computing. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, e3777. PMID: 37743768

Boyer KA, Hayes KL, Umberger BR, Adamczyk PG, Bean JF, Brach JS, Clark BC, Clark DJ, Ferrucci L, Finley J, Franz JR, Golightly YM, Hortobágyi T, Hunter S, Narici M, Nicklas B, Roberts T, Sawicki G, Simonsick E & Kent JA. (2023). Age-related changes in gait biomechanics and their impact on the metabolic cost of walking: Report from a National Institute on Aging workshop. Experimental Gerontology. In Press. PMID: 36693530

Wedge RD, Sup FC & Umberger BR. (2022). Metabolic cost of transport and stance time asymmetry in individuals with unilateral transtibial amputation using a passive prostheses while walking. Clinical Biomechanics, In Press. PMID: 35364403

Johnson RT, O'Neill MC & Umberger BR. (2022). The effects of posture on the three-dimensional gait mechanics of human walking in comparison to bipedal chimpanzees. Journal of Experimental Biology, In Press. PMID: 35098305

Park S, Umberger BR & Caldwell GE. (2022). A muscle control strategy to alter pedal force direction under multiple constraints: a simulation study. Journal of Biomechanics, In Press. PMID: 35576633

O'Neill MC, Demes B, Thompson NE, Larson SG, Stern JT Jr & Umberger BR. (2022). Adaptations for bipedal walking: musculoskeletal structure and three-dimensional joint mechanics of humans and bipedal chimpanzees. Journal of Human Evolution, In press. PMID: 35596976

Banks JJ, Umberger BR & Caldwell GE. (2022). EMG optimization in OpenSim: A model for estimating lower back kinetics in gait. Medical Engineering & Physics, In Press. PMID: 35500997

Banks JJ, Umberger BR, Boyer KA & Caldwell GE. (2022). Lower back kinetic demands during induced lower limb gait asymmetries. Gait & Posture 98, 101-108. PMID: 36095916

Park S, Caldwell GE & Umberger BR. (2022). A direct collocation framework for optimal control simulation of pedaling using OpenSim. PLOS ONE 17, e0264346. PMID: 35192643

Banks JJ, Wedge RD, Caldwell GE & Umberger BR. (2022). Are lower back demands reduced by improving gait symmetry in unilateral transtibial amputees? Clinical Biomechanics, In press. PMID: 35500413

Nguyen VQ, LaPre AK, Price MA, Umberger BR & Sup FC. (2020). Inclusion of actuator dynamics in simulations of assisted human movement. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, e3334. PMID: 32170995

Price MA, LaPrè AK, Johnson RT, Umberger BR, Sup FC. (2020).  A model-based motion capture marker location refinement approach using inverse kinematics from dynamic trials.  International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, e3283. PMID: 31721456


Nguyen VQ, Johnson R, Sup FC & Umberger BR. (2019). Bilevel optimization for cost function determination in dynamic simulation of human gait. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 27, 1426-1435. 

Gidley AD, Marsh AP & Umberger BR. (2019). Performance criteria for generating predictive optimal control simulations of bicycle pedaling. . Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 1522535, 1-10.

O’Neill MC, Demes B, Thompson NE & Umberger BR. (2018). Three-dimensional kinematics and the origin of the hominin walking stride. Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 15, 20180205.

LaPrè AK, Wedge RD, Price M, Umberger BR & Sup F. (2018). Approach for gait analysis in persons with limb loss including residuum and prosthesis socket dynamics. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, e2936. 

O’Neill MC, Umberger BR, Holowka NB, Larson SG & Reiser PJ. (2017). Chimpanzee ‘super strength’ and human skeletal muscle evolution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114, 7343- 7348.

Umberger BR & Miller RH. (2017). Optimal control modeling of human movement. In B Müller & SI Wolf (Eds.), Handbook of Human Motion. Berlin: Springer. 1-22. 

Erdemir A, Guess TM, Halloran JP, Modenese L, Reinbolt JA, Thelen DG & Umberger BR. (2016). Commentary on the integration of model sharing and reproducibility analysis to scholarly publishing workflow in computational biomechanics. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 63, 2080-2085.

Young S, Gardiner B, Mehdizadeh A, Rubenson J, Umberger BR & Smith D. (2016). Adaptive remodeling of Achilles tendon: A multi-scale computational model. PLOS Computational Biology 12, e1005106.

Lim J, Schuna JM Jr., Busa MA, Umberger BR, Katzmarzyk PT, van Emmerik REA & Tudor-Locke C. (2016). Allometrically scaled children’s clinical and free-living ambulatory behavior. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 48, 2407-2416.

Lee L-F & Umberger BR. (2016). Generating optimal control simulations of musculoskeletal movement with OpenSim and MATLAB. PeerJ 4, e1638.

LaPre AK, Umberger BR & Sup F. (2016). A robotic foot-ankle prosthesis with active alignment. Journal of Medical Devices 10, 025001.

Callahan DM, Umberger BR & Kent-Braun JA. (2016). Mechanisms of in vivo muscle fatigue in humans: investigating age-related fatigue resistance with a computational model. Journal of Physiology 594, 3407-3421.

O’Neill MC, Lee L-F, Demes B, Thompson NE, Larson SG, Stern JT Jr. & Umberger BR. (2015). Three- dimensional kinematics of the pelvis and hind limbs in chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) and human bipedal walking. Journal of Human Evolution 86, 32-42.

Anderson DD & Umberger BR. (2015). Forward: Special issue on symposia organized by the American Society of Biomechanics at the 7th World Congress of Biomechanics. Journal of Biomechanics 48, 2835-2836.

Demes B, Thompson NE, O'Neill MC & Umberger BR. (2015). Center of mass mechanics of chimpanzee bipedal walking. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 156, 422-433.


Umberger BR & Caldwell GC. (2014). Musculoskeletal Modeling. In Robertson et al. (Eds.) Research Methods in Biomechanics, 2nd Edition. Champaingn, IL: Human Kinetics. 247-276.

LaPre AK, Umberger BR & Sup F. (2014). Simulation of a powered ankle prosthesis with dynamic joint alignment. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 1618-1621.

O’Neill MC, Lee L-F, Larson SG, Demes B, Stern JT Jr. & Umberger BR. (2013). A three-dimensional musculoskeletal model of the chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) pelvis and hind limb. Journal of Experimental Biology 216, 3709-3723.

Gruber AH, Umberger BR, Braun B & Hamill J. (2013). Economy and rate of carbohydrate oxidation during running with rearfoot and forefoot strike patterns. Journal of Applied Physiology 115, 194-201.

Callahan DM, Umberger BR & Kent-Braun JA. (2013). A computational model of torque generation: neural, contractile, metabolic and musculoskeletal components. PLOS ONE 8, e56013. 

Umberger BR, Augsburger S, Resig J, Oeffinger D, Shapiro R & Tylkowski C. (2013). Generation, absorption, and transfer of mechanical energy during walking in children. Medical Engineering and Physics 35, 644-651.

Russell EM, Miller RH, Umberger BR & Hamill J. (2013). Lateral wedges alter mediolateral load distributions at the knee joint in obese individuals. Journal of Orthopedic Research 31, 665-671. 

Miller RH, Umberger BR, Hamill J & Caldwell GC. (2012). Evaluation of the minimum energy hypothesis and other potential optimality criteria for human running. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 279, 1498- 1505.

Miller RH, Umberger BR & Caldwell GC. (2012). Sensitivity of maximum sprinting speed to characteristic parameters of the muscle force-velocity relationship. Journal of Biomechanics 45, 1406-1413. 

Miller RH, Umberger BR & Caldwell GC. (2012). Limitations to maximum sprinting speed imposed by muscle mechanical properties. Journal of Biomechanics 45, 1092-1097.

Umberger BR & Rubenson J. (2011). Understanding muscle energetics in locomotion: new modeling and experimental approaches. Exercise and Sports Sciences Reviews 39, 59-67.

Bolgla LA, Malone TR, Umberger BR & Uhl TL. (2011). Comparison of hip and knee strength and neuromuscular activity in subjects with and without patellofemoral pain syndrome. International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy 6, 285-296.

Seeley MK, Umberger BR, Clasey JL & Shapiro R. (2010). The relation between mild leg-length inequality and able-bodied gait asymmetry. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine 9, 572-579.

Umberger BR. (2010). Stance and swing phase costs in human walking. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 7, 1329-1340.

Bolgla LA, Malone TR, Umberger BR & Uhl TL. (2010). Reliability of evaluation tools used for assessing hip and knee function, strength, and neuromuscular activity in females diagnosed with patellofemoral pain syndrome. Journal of Electromyography & Kinesiology 20, 142-147.


Miller RH, Caldwell GC, van Emmerik REA, Umberger BR & Hamill J. (2009). Ground reaction forces and lower extremity kinematics when running with suppressed arm swing. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 131, 124502. 

Umberger BR. (2008). Effects of suppressing arm swing on the kinematics, kinetics, and energetics of human walking. Journal of Biomechanics 41, 2575-2580. 

Seeley MK, Umberger BR & Shapiro R. (2008). A test of the functional asymmetry hypothesis in walking. Gait & Posture 28, 24-28.

Bolgla LA, Malone TR, Umberger BR & Uhl TL. (2008). Hip strength and hip and knee kinematics during stair descent in females with and without patellofemoral pain syndrome. Journal of Orthopedic & Sports Physical Therapy 38, 12-18.

Umberger BR & Martin PE. (2007). Mechanical power and efficiency of level walking with different stride rates. Journal of Experimental Biology 210, 3255-3265.

Umberger BR, Gerritsen KGM & Martin PE. (2006). Muscle fiber type effects on energetically-optimal cadences in cycling. Journal of Biomechanics 39, 1472-1479. 

Nagano A, Umberger BR, Marzke MW & Gerritsen KGM. (2005). Neuromusculoskeletal computer modeling and simulation of upright, straight-legged, bipedal locomotion of Australopithecus afarensis. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 126, 2-13. 


Umberger BR. (2003). Comments on “Influence of pedalling rate on the energy cost of cycling in humans”. European Journal of Applied Physiology 90, 219-220.

Umberger BR, Gerritsen KGM & Martin PE. (2003). A model of human muscle energy expenditure. Computer Methods in Biomechanics & Biomedical Engineering 6, 99-111. 

Martin PE & Umberger BR. (2003). Trends in Interdisciplinary and Integrative Graduate Training: an NSF IGERT example. Quest 55, 86-94. 

Umberger BR & Martin PE. (2001). Testing the planar assumption during ergometer cycling. Journal of Applied Biomechanics 17, 55-62.

Robertson SD, Kao JC, Winges JB & Umberger BR. (2001). Postural stability constrains the mode of bimanual coordination. In G Burton & RC Schmidt (Eds.), Studies in Perception and Action, VI. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 165-168.

Martin PE, Sanderson DJ & Umberger BR. (2000). Factors affecting preferred rates of movement in cyclic activities. In VM Zatsiorsky (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of Sports Medicine: Biomechanics in Sport. Oxford: Blackwell Science. 143-160. 


Nawoczenski DA, Baumhauer JF, & Umberger BR. (1999). Relationship between clinical measurements and first metatarsophalangeal joint motion during gait. Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery 81-A, 370-376.

Umberger BR, Nawoczenski DA & Baumhauer JF. (1999). Reliability and validity of first metatarsophalangeal joint orientation measured with an electromagnetic tracking device. Clinical Biomechanics 14, 74-76.

Umberger BR, Scheuchenzuber HJ & Manos TM. (1998). Differences in power output during cycling at different seat tube angles. Journal of Human Movement Studies 35, 1-36. 

Umberger BR. (1998). Mechanics of the vertical jump and two-joint muscles: implications for training. Strength and Conditioning Journal 20, 70-74.